Scottish #EDGE20 Finals: Watch £1.5m disappear in front of your eyes
The 20th Scottish EDGE funding competition takes place on the 6th-7th December in Edinburgh, with prize money of over £1.5m to be awarded to some of Scotland's most dynamic and exciting small businesses.
Join two days of pitching for prizes of up to £100,000, with judges' questions and answer sessions, competitions and business networking. You can book free tickets to come along to witness the competition finalists pitch for funding, hear from guest speakers, and network with other entrepreneurs and members of the Scottish EDGE support ecosystem.
Hosts are The Royal Bank of Scotland at their Conference Centre at Gogarburn, on the outskirts of Edinburgh and close to Edinburgh Airport. As a supporting partner of Scottish EDGE, I will be exhibiting, and available to help with free LinkedIn tips and guidance across the two days. Other supporting partners of Scottish EDGE will also be available for friendly advice.
I will be hosting a Twitter Competition on the theme of #NetZero to win a £597 Full Profile Surgery, as well as offering exclusive access for delegates to a £230.00 saving on this service.
- If you are unable to be there in person, you can join online — full details will be available at https://scottishedge.com/edge20
Tuesday 6th: Go Radio Business Show
Wednesday 7th: Chris van der Kuyl
Meet the Judges
Meet the Finalists
Full list of Finalists:
Ailsa Reliability Solutions Ltd - Utilise cutting edge technologies to eliminate unplanned downtime of client's critical assets
Argyle IT & Education Ltd - EDTech blended learning platform to meet West African Higher Education needs
BearHammer Games Ltd - Adventure Fitness VR - virtual reality fitness game
Beastly Brews t/a Panther M*lk - World’s first oat milk ready-to-drink cocktail
Beira Moda - Crafts ethical limited edition womenswear from discarded high-end fabric
BioLiberty - Soft robotic glove and digital platform to help stroke survivors with remote rehabilitation
Birken Tree (Scotland) Ltd - World's first dedicated Birchwater specially created for pairing with fine whiskies
Eco Cascade - First multi-purpose primary processing company serving seaweed farmers
Eleon Products Ltd - Innovative tool for cleaning teeth next to gaps
Fitabeo Therapeutics Ltd - Developing oral thin films as an enhanced way of delivering medicine
Hoolr Education Ltd - Technology company that helps organisations manage, scale and understand their coaching cultures
Mask Logic Ltd - Designs individual, bespoke, re-usable and scientifically proven facemasks to healthcare and other sectors
Meander Apparel - Outdoor clothing brand making ethical garments for everyday adventures
Microplate Dx - Specialise in antibiotic susceptibility testing diagnostics reducing antimicrobial resistance
Palaemon Maritime - Provide anti-piracy barriers on a rental basis for ships, costing less than razor wire
PicSea Ltd - Ocean digitisation provider that uses its swarms of underwater robots to collect data
RIVAL SC Ltd - Tech platform that sets out to revolutionise supply chain management for SMEs
Rutland Square Gin - Worlds first and only Chai Spiced Gin aimed at Indian market
S'wheat - World's first reusable bottle made from plants
Thistle Rocketry Ltd - Space launch start-up currently developing scalable rocket systems for cube satellites
Today Agency Ltd - Student-driven media agency connecting businesses with creative local students
Two Birds Fitness Ltd - Created a range of functional drinks which combine speciality coffee/tea with vitamins and antioxidants
Unbaggaged - On-demand luggage storage platform that picks, stores and returns bags where and when needed
Yaldi Games - Mission-led game developer who have developed a community-driven life simulation game called Wholesome